Please see below what each agent is looking for, and if your project fits, send the material detailed below. If an agent doesn’t list the genre of your book, please don’t send it!
Fiction: A synopsis, the first 3 chapters or 50 pages and a brief bio
Non Fiction: The pitch, a bio, overview of structure and a sample chapter
It is our intention to get back to everyone who submits, even if it is a turndown, because we hate being ghosted as much as you do. However, we are only human, and whilst this is the standard that we wish to hold ourselves to, the reality is that sometimes this could take a while. We do receive a lot of submissions, and in order to respond to everyone, it may mean that occasionally some of us will be closed to new submissions in order to clear the backlog. Please don’t submit to more than one of us, please be patient and please also know that we assume you are submitting to multiple agents and that’s totally fine. There is lots of waiting around and uncertainty in the publishing process, and we do want to try and do our bit in making it suck just a tiny bit less.
Jessica - I am looking for personal development, business and smart thinking from authors with strong platforms and engaged audiences. I am also currently open for original, high-concept, speculative/literary adult fiction. Within genre fiction, my taste tends to lean more towards SF than epic fantasy (I’m more space ships than dragons) and I love anything with very dark humour.
James - I am looking for sport, music, culture and smart thinking as well as original graphic novels and non-fiction.
Jason - I am looking for history, politics, current affairs, biographies, memoirs, narrative non-fiction; alongside crime & thrillers and the next Child 44!
Joanna - I am looking for crime, thriller, reading group and upmarket commercial fiction. On the non-fiction side, I am looking for expert-lead books on health and wellness. Please note that I DO NOT represent experimental literary fiction, speculative, science fiction, fantasy, YA or children’s.